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Monday, February 20, 2012

Blocking some websites

 Hello, here I would like to pass safely block some websites for my children. This is more preventive, because I do not think that my children see presently restricted sites, at least I hope! So how can you block these websites?

Answer: How to block websites?

 Good morning for all! Depending on the age of your child, it may consult or drop a day or other undesirable sites, this is why it is important to block some sites. You know, there are more than one way to block access to websites, either to prevent children or employees to spend too much time on some undesirable websites.

Set your options in Internet Explorer

The first solution, the simplest, but not the most effective is to set your internet options. For example, if you surf the Internet from Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options located on the Tools tab of your browser. At this point the option is found safe and sensitive site. This is where you must enter a list of all the sites you want to block your children or your corporate network.

Of course, there are thousands of sites and events that should not be visited by children, this is why this blocking option is not the best solution.

Changing the hosts file on your computer

Another great way to block a website on your computer by changing the list of hosts. To do this, go to the Windows file under your C drive Then select system32 \ etc \ drivers. At this location is a folder hosts, we just need to register the list of sites you wish to block. This method is much faster than the previous one, because very few people know this method of blocking sites.

Your child will probably not get around this blocking solution for sensitive websites.

Block websites in your enterprise

 Finally, this last solution is primarily intended for employers, enterprises. If you're tired of seeing your employees surf the internet during working hours, be aware that there is an efficient software. Limit Internet software will block many websites on all workstations. To see everything that is possible with this software, visit

Here is an excellent program that clearly explains how to block a website by a special software for this purpose here ...

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